Health | Vision | Dental | Travel Insurance | Death Benefit How to Submit a ClaimAll claims must be submitted to Manulife by March 31 of the year following the year in which the expense was incurred. DentalMany dentists are able to process your claims online with Manulife, which means that you may not have to submit a paper claim. However, if you need to submit a paper claim, follow these procedures:
Your lifetime maximum for all Health related claims (including Health, Vision and Out-of Province Travel) is $50,000.00 for each covered person. Health (including Vision)
Provincial Pharmacare Coverage for Prescription DrugsIf your Provincial Health Insurance Plan Out-of-Province ExpensesWhile you or your dependents are traveling outside the province or country, your benefit plan covers 100% of the cost of medical emergencies (in excess of your Provincial Health Insurance Plan) to your lifetime maximum of $50,000 per covered person (all health related claims combined). Expenses in excess of $200 will be paid for directly by ManuAssist, provided you contact them before any expenses are incurred. If ManuAssist is not contacted, or if expenses are $200 or less, you are responsible for payment and may submit a claim for reimbursement using the Health Claim Form. Any claims for out-of-province expenses should be submitted first to your Provincial Health Insurance Plan.
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