LCC Worker Benefit Plans

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Contact Us

All Pension & Benefit inquiries should be directed to:

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Telus Health:
1-844-800-9137 (Toll Free)
1-844-671-3327 (Toll Free)


Health and Dental Inquiries

Manulife — 1-800-268-6195 (Toll Free)

Defined Contributions Inquiries

Sun Life Financial — 1-866-733-8613 (Toll Free)

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Pension Plan (CAAT)

Contact CAAT on Pension Questions, Annual Member Statements and Pension Estimates (both LCC Defined Benefits and DBplus)


1-888-870-3080 (Toll Free)

Send email to Lutheran Church member service sat the CAAT Pension Plan.


Contact Ellement on questions on Status/Demographic changes, Group Benefits and Employer Billings


1-844-440-1045 (Toll Free)
204-954-7300 (In Winnipeg)

Send an e-mail to Ellement




Worker Benefit Plans
C/O Ellement
1345- Taylor Avenue,
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3M 3Y9

Pension and Annuity Payments

CAAT — LCC DB Benefits and DB Plus

Paid by CIBC Mellon

1-800-565-0479 (Toll Free North America)

1-519-873-2218 (Toll Free Internationally)

RBC Annuity

1-888-769-2594 (Toll Free)

Canada Life Annuity

1-888-252-1847 (Toll Free)

For Issues Not Handled by those Listed above please contact:

Nancy Swerhun
Pensions & Benefits Manager
403 278-7506

Dwayne Cleave
Director of LCC Worker Benefit Plans
1-800-588-4226 Ext 2219



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